Philips shave and trim

For your beard, hair, and body hair.

Electric shaver of the month

Electric shaver of the month

Adjusts to your beard

Thanks to the various sensors, you always shave your face with the right pressure and speed. The device adjusts the power to the density of your beard. The light signal shows when you apply too much pressure. That way, you prevent skin irritation.

Philips Shaver Series 9000 S9980/59

Delivered tomorrow

Frequently asked questions

Which Philips device do I need?

Which device is the most suitable for you depends on the situation. Want to smoothly shave your beard? Go for an electric shaver. If you want to trim or maintain your beard, a beard trimmer or OneBlade is a good choice. Use hair clippers for the hair on your head. Also want to trim your body hair? Choose a multi-purpose trimmer or body groomer.

Which Philips electric shaver is the best?

The Philips Series 9000 Prestige models are the best Philips electric shavers. They make the most cutting actions per minute. That way, you can easily shave your face. The Prestige has the best facial hair sensor. This sensor measures your beard 500 times per second and adjusts the power accordingly. You can also set the intensity yourself with the 3 settings. That way, you always shave comfortably.

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